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For the outdoor fan who takes along the dog who tangles with a skunk, the Hunters EdgeŽ will also do a very good job of deodorizing him after this ordeal. Work the powder into coat, especially face and muzzle real good and leave overnight, then brush out, if you have access to plenty of water you might want to try washing your dog using additional Hunters EdgeŽ powder. Check out our NOC to use on the animal and in his mouth!

NATURES ODOR CONTROL (NOC) liquid effectively controls bacterial odors in areas such as skunk odor, boat heads, kennels and runs, RV care, urine in carpet, dead animals. NOC is a complex solution of amino acids, vitamins and trace minerals derived from blue green algae that stimulates a natural bacterial process to eliminate all types of bacterial odors without cover up fragrances. 

32 Oz. $21.99

Gallon  $57.99

Copyright Š 1989 HUNTERS EDGEŽ